
I Know Whom I have Believed


一  我真不知神的奇恩為何臨到我身; 我也不知不堪如我,救來有何足多。    

二  我真不知救我的信如何進入我心, 我也不知何以一信,便得一個新心。     

三  我真不知聖靈如何引人知道己過, 並由聖經顯明耶穌,使人接祂為主。    

四  我真不知我的前途到底是甘是苦; 我也不知未見主前還有什麼試煉。        

五  我真不知何時主來,那時我是何在- 到底我當經過死谷?或將空中遇主?

() 惟知道我所信的是誰,並且也深信祂實在是能  保守我所信託祂的,都全備直到那日!  


這首詩歌(聖徒詩歌》431)作者威特(Daniel Webster Whittle)1840年生於美國麻州,在南北戰爭的威克斯堡戰役中喪失了右臂並且被俘。療養時,從背包中發現母親送他的聖經,便開始讀起神的話來;發覺書上的每件事都富有吸引力,且有許多他所不曾知道的事,就如,「只要認罪並接受祂作救主就必得救」。當時他並未立意悔改接受救主,直到一天受託去為一位生命垂危的少年人禱告。邀請者覺得他自己十分污穢而無法為人禱告。威特坦誠說:「我也不能阿,我同你一樣是不潔的!」邀請者再懇求:「無論怎樣,我常看見你讀聖經,就斷定你是個禱告的人,跟我去好嗎?」威特不便再推辭。那少年人臉上露出難熬的痛苦,嘴裡還喃喃地說:「為我禱告!為我禱告!我在緬因家鄉的時候是個好孩子呢!當兵之後才變壞的,我可不能就這樣(帶著罪)死去阿!求主赦免我!求主救我!」威特事後回顧說:「當時我立刻跪在地上,抓緊那人的手,我先求神赦免我的罪,接著為少年人禱告,那少年人安靜了許多。我起身不久,就去世了。可是,在他臉上滿了安祥。那天我真信神了,神藉這少年人,把我帶回救主面前,並藉我使他仰望基督,使他相信基督的寶血有大能。希望那日我們能在聖城相見。」

戰後他退役回家,在芝加哥一家有名的鐘錶公司擔任司庫。不久他遇見名佈道家慕迪。他們的相遇相知,改變了威特(的一生。1873年,威特(辭去了高薪的工作,加入了慕迪佈道團。最初,他與白利士搭配事奉音樂聖工。白利士意外身亡後,他便與作曲家麥格翰(James McGranahan)同工。 他寫了二百多首聖詩,多數是麥格翰譜曲。 他們兩人曾多次同赴英國佈道。他們合作的名詩,尚有「主活在我心」(Christ Liveth in Me),「高舉主旗」(The Banner of the Cross 等。 另有一首我們常唱的韋特的聖詩「時刻蒙恩」(Moment by Moment),是由他女兒慕韋玫(May Whittle Moody)譜曲。威特的詩十分真實,富有真理又有切身感受,為神所重用!也因著他活出敬虔的實際就養出敬虔的兒女,他的女兒後來成為神重用之僕人慕迪的兒媳婦。


這首詩歌的副歌是根據提摩太後書1:12「因為知道我所信的是誰,也深信他能保全我所交付他的,直到那日。我們信主之後,到主二次再來以前,可能遭遇許多艱難、痛苦,本身也會有許多軟弱、失敗。但是我們可以放心,因為知道我們『所信的是誰』。哦,這個豐滿無限的『誰』,真需要我們竭力的來『知道』祂!我們知道祂更多,就能安息於祂更多。在這首詩中,威特用多個「不知」和一個「惟知道」來強調他對救恩的經歷,以及對聖經所預言末期之事的坦然無懼,憑信往前,等候主來。』!這實在就是所有愛慕我們主耶穌基督顯現之人共同的心聲。「保守」原是軍用名詞,是崗衛、把守、看守等意思。 我們所信的這位主,乃是信實、可靠的,祂必負責保守我們的一切,直到祂再來的那日,這是何等的安慰!「信託」交託的希臘文是parathe{ke{。Parathe{ke{的原意就是交託給銀行或某人一筆存款,妥為保管。在原則上就是將來必須原物歸還,或原封不動的交回物主。願我們將自己的生命以及所擁有的一切,都交在主的手中,讓祂來掌管、運用直到主再來的日子。



(一) 他認識神是有耳朵的,會垂聽人的禱告;

(二) 他認識神有口會說話,聖經就是神所說的話;

(三) 他認識神有手會作事,因為神怎樣說,就怎樣行出來,完全照著應許而行。


1.          I know not why God's wondrous grace to me he hath made known,
             Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love redeemed me for his own.

Refrain: But I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able
            to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day.

2.         I know not how this saving faith to me he did impart,
            Nor how believing in his word wrought peace within my heart.

3.         I know not how the Spirit moves, convincing us of sin,
            Revealing Jesus through the word, creating faith in him.
4.         I know not when my Lord may come, at night or noonday fair,
            Nor if I walk the vale with him, or meet him in the air.

Daniel Webster Whittle and James McGranahan, author and composer of this hymn, supplied many other choice gospel songs, including "There Shall Be Showers of Blessing," "The Banner of the Cross," and "Christ Liveth in Me." Whittle was a Civil War veteran who accompanied Union general William Sherman on his march through Georgia. Whittle reached the rank of major in the American civil war, and for the rest of his life was known as Major Whittle. During the war, Whittle lost his right arm, and ended up in a prisoner of war camp. Recovering from his wounds in the hospital, he looked for something to read, and found a New Testament. Though its words resonated with him, he was still not ready to accept Christ. Shortly after, a hospital orderly woke him and said a dying prisoner wanted someone to pray with him. Whittle demurred, but the orderly said, But I thought you were a Christian; I have seen you reading your Bible. Whittle then agreed to go. He recorded what took place at the dying youths bed side:

I dropped on my knees and held the boys hand in mine. In a few broken words I confessed my sins and asked Christ to forgive me. I believed right there that He did forgive me. I then prayed earnestly for the boy. He became quiet and pressed my hand as I prayed and pleaded Gods promises. When I arose from my knees, he was dead. A look of peace had come over his troubled face, and I cannot but believe that God who used him to bring me to the Savior, used me to lead him to trust Christsprecious blood and find pardon. I hope to meet him in heaven.

After the war he returned to Chicago, where he became treasurer of the Elgin Watch Company. In 1873, at the urging of D. L. Moody, the major left his successful position to become an evangelist. He enjoyed a most effective ministry for the rest of his life. He was ably assisted musically by P.P. Bliss and later James McGranahan. Many of Whittle's hymns bear the pseudonym "El Nathan." The piece "I Know Whom I Have Believed" is known by that name.

James McGranahan had a limited formal education, but at the age of nineteen he was teaching in singing schools throughout the East. He became known for his beautiful tenor voice and commanding personality. After Bliss died in 1877, McGranahan became music director for Major Whittle's evangelistic campaigns in England and North America. McGranahan was a pioneer in his use of male choruses. He collaborated with Ira Sankey and other musicians in many gospel publications. in addition to supplying the music for many of Major Whittle's texts, McGranahan composed the music for such gospel favorites as "My Redeemer," "Christ Returneth," "Christ Receiveth Sinful Men," "Verily, I Say unto You," and "Go Ye into All the World."

There is much about the spiritual life we do not fully understand, but we can still live with certainty and triumphant faith. The apostle Paul understood when he exclaimed, "I know whom [not merely what] I have believed" (2 Tim. 1:12a). Note that the chorus of this testimonial song repeats the apostle Paul's statement to young Timothy, "For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day, " (2 Tim. 1-12 AV). Make this Scripture a personal statement of faith. Another poet expressed the same confession this way:

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand.
-Edward Mote
